Green Grouch Privacy Policy

Our Promise to You

In General

Our Privacy Policy is very simple. We don't collect any personal information about our users, and we will NEVER share any specific information we do have with other organizations. The only information we collect that could, in any way, identify a user is their email address. We will NEVER share this information with any other organization. In addition, we have an email cancellation link at the bottom of our emails and we fully respect your wishes if you prefer to be removed from our emailing list. For your protection, all passwords on our system are encrypted using 32 bit encryption technology.

GREEN GROUCH Messaging System

Be aware that the messages stored on messaging system are NOT encrypted. We clearly notify users that this system is not to be used for sensitive or confidential messages, and users must agree to knowledge of this fact before they can accept any messages on this utility. To protect our users from any form of harrassment, messages are periodically monitored by an administrator.

Special Notice for FACEBOOK Users

Seperate from our fifty city challenge, we are currently running a FACEBOOK campaign to lobby governments for warning labels on paper cups. Information gathered from this application is used ONLY to help spread the application to more FACEBOOK users. Any information collected by this application will not be used for any other purpose. Other than through the application, the GREEN GROUCH team will not attempt to communicate with any FACEBOOK members. If you wish to be removed from this application, please click the link below to contact us.

Click Here to be Removed From the FACEBOOK Application or For Any Inquiry

Special Notice for Those Filling Out Our Petition

Seperate from our fifty city challenge, we have a petition on this site to lobby governments around the world. We're asking for warning labels on paper cups to inform people they are made from 90% virgin pulp and NOT currently recycled, because of the polyethylene coating on them. As part of this petition, we're asking for support from people around the world. We request that supporters submit their email, full name, and a telephone number (needed as official proof that each person named does, indeed, support the petition). This information will be used ONLY to present to government officials in the countries where this petition is widely supported. All information gathered will be completely expunged from our records as soon as we have presented it to government officials. Furthermore, those that have filled out the petition can quickly and easily remove their information from it at any time.

Looking to the Future

In the future, as our user base grows, we will provide reports that show aggregate information comparing the cities taking place in our challenge. For example, we might have a report showing what percentage of people in each city reported using their own reusable coffee cup, etc. Rest assured that these reports will never, at any time, reveal any personal information about individual users.

Respectful of Your Time

In addition to your privacy, we are also very respectful of your time. We understand that it's a busy world and we work very hard to keep our communications relatively minimal and short. In fact, our whole system was designed to be quick and simple. If all you do is complete the weekly checklist and get two other people involved, you will have made a significant contribution towards improving the planet. If everybody does that, Canada will quickly become a model for the world to follow!

Our Growth Depends on You!

Our growth fully depends on the trust of our users and we have no intention of ever violating that trust. Because of this, we hope you feel comfortable about encouraging others to participate in our green challenge. If we are to be successful in taking our message beyond Canada, we truly need the help of our community of users. We do hope that you will help us succeed, and that you understand that our success is tied to helping improve the environment we live in for us, our children, and grandchildren.

If you previously opted out of emails from this site and you wish to be added back to our email list, click here

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